The Designers have launched the ‘runway’ store in Karachi There has been a massive boom in the fashion industry during the last couple of years. All of a sudden, there is a new 'designer' under every rock you pick up, there are publications upon publications claiming to be the best in fashion, every second day there is an exhibition and small-scale stores are now expanding and revamping their previous physical space and marketing strategies to cater to this ever-increasing need among the sudden-fashion-conscious awam to don a designer outfit. In Karachi we already had Labels where a very select variety of designers can book space to showcase their collections. Then there is Ensemble which redefines multi-designer space in Pakistan and is maintained by additionally stocking creations by Indian designers, and launches the same via periodic runway shows . The Designers, on the other hand, has always maintained a somewhat quiet presence in the city....
Pakistani Fashion Updates 2020 - 2021 -