What Style Suits Your Body Shape? It's often said that you need a "good figure" to pull off a sari. That's just a bunch of hogwash cuz a person with a good figure can pretty much wear anything and look good...so I wanted to start a thread and discuss what styles and types of clothing suit what body shapes. It's a well known fashion fact that choosing a certain style can help you enhance certain features and play down others that need not be as obvious. How does this apply to desi attire? For example.....women that are less than average height and a little on the full-bodied side, don't look as attractive in saris as taller women do. Kameez Shalwar - Short Kameez, full gher shalwar this dus not look good on short and chubby girls they look more fat and short kameezes make them look fatter and sorr y to say really wierd Kameez Shalwar - Long Kameez, full gher shalwar this combo i dun like for anyone but long kameezes for me look good only on tall and model like...
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